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Etching onto a Rock Tutorial

Etching a whale onto a rock

1. This posting is how to etch an image like this whale on stone. This will work on any kind of rock. 
 2.First take your template this (whale) and put it on your film for this I am using Ultra-Red 10mil. 
3. After your image is lined up correct put it in your ultraviolet light for 1 1/2 minutes. 
 4. Unlike glass stone can sometimes require using glue to help the image stick onto the rock itself. For this I'm using Blastable Application Adhesive which is supplied to me by Ikonics and Tresemme hair spray. 
 5.The least messy method of applying the glue is to use one of these paint sticks. 
 6. I just dab on the glue, you don't need a ton!
7. Just put it all around your entire surface of the rock, don't worry the glue is water soluble so its easy to remove later. 
 8. After the Ultra-Red 10mill has been in the Ultraviolet light for 1 1/2 minutes the next step is to use hot pressured water on the image until you can see it like this.
9. When the glue is dried it should look something like this, it will have a little glossy look.
 10. If your wondering what the hair spray does it helps so that you can re-position your image so it doesn't stick right to the glue right away. 
11. Just spray the hairspray on the rock, again you dont need a ton!
 12. This is what your image should look like before you put it on your rock. 
13. Typically you would use 80 PSI for rocks, but because this rock was softer then others i decided to use 60 PSI. 
 14.The rock all prepped to go for blasting. I just used tape to cover the rest of the rock, but you can use a multitude of different things. 
15. I decided to etch deep into my rock to give it a better look. 
 16. Sign Painters 1 shot is an awesome paint it typically dries in a bout 1-3 hours which makes it a nice paint to use when your doing a production style, also if you get any on the area your trying not to paint it is easily removable. 
17. Final look of the rock after painting and taking off the mask Total time of project: 10 minutes the paint is still wet, but that is ok because you can just let it sit and dry while you work on your next project. 


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