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Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas/ Happy Hoildays

Hope Everyone Has 
A Merry Christmas /Happy Holidays, 
 and A Blessed New Year

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Who has helped you get started with your sand-blasting? Anyone who has either played with sand-blasting or does it as a career knows that blasting can be a hard thing to just pick and up and do. I have to give a shout-out to Darin Jones at Ikonics, who has given me so much needed support and guidance with my sand-blasting. If your looking for anyone who can help you out or help you get started into this amazing field, then just leave a comment or you can email me at and I will forward your information to Darin. Thanks all! Happy Veterans Day!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Stay Tuned

Hey Everyone. Sorry about the lack of posting the past few weeks. Don't worry we didn't disappear, We are back and going to be posting so much more stuff if the coming weeks So Stay Tuned!

Sunday, September 23, 2012


Wow, didn't think we would get that many views, but we did! thanks everyone :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Coreldraw x6

I dont know what program most people use for editing/creating there masks, but Coreldraw-x6 is currently having a free 30 day trial. I personally love using Corel-paint for my masks its very easy to convert an image to greyscale, then to black and white.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Ghost Ship

Here is something new I worked on, experimenting around with effect on a mirror, I sandblasted a ship on this mirror and added a frosting around it to make it look like a ghost ship , it kinda cool looking.
I will add a better photo of it soon.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Half Tone Stencil

Well did my first half tone stencil in Corel draw. I cant wait to do more Half tones
After Labor day I will sandblast it onto a few items . Wish Me Luck! 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Halloween Stencils

Posted some Halloween stencils.
Just click on the Sandblasting Stencils For Glass
Tab up top to take a look. As I get better at the tracing part
I will be posting more stencils.

Monday, August 27, 2012

SISU rocks.

Going to start making some Sisu rocks and other Finnish themed products. Will be posting new images starting tomorrow. considering both pocket rocks and garden rocks.  Has anyone ever etched into rocks before?

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Stencils Coming Soon

Soon as I can get my head wrapped around CorelDraw,
I plan to put up some stencils I have been doodling around with.
They wont be all that great at first.  I am hope with a little more time
they will get a lot better.

I am starting to notice that a writing tablet might come in handy
for some outlines with CorrelDraw If any one has any ideas on
which one might be the best one please leave a comment, all input is very much welcome

Thursday, August 16, 2012

CorelDraw6 and vectors

I have been looking around trying to find tutorials on Corel draw 6. I want a easy to follow tutorial on making a image/photo into a vector.

After hours and hours of google searching I have found that there are many tutorials out there for this, but most either end up going on about other things that are not relevant to vectors, or they just seem to add so many extras steps its unreal.

Then you watch/read one go to another and they use a different technique. its so confusing at times you want just bang your head on the desk.

Once I get this down I will make a easy to follow tutorial on how to do this with CorelDraw 6

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Here is a quick sample of a Advocare drink ware I am playing around with. Still trying to find the perfect look for it

Friday, July 27, 2012

Zombies Shot glasses


Here are zombie etched 2 oz shot glasses that i have done up.
Even zombie hate Fast Food ;)


Monday, July 16, 2012

Current Work

Zombie Zombie Zombie!
In the coming days I will be working on some ideas with zombies and sandblasting,
No I don't mean using the sandblaster to kill the zombies, although.. hmm.. that might be a idea for another project.

Right now creating some stencil of zombies, as the project progresses will be adding more detail to the stencils.

Oh the fun you can have with sandblasting and your imagination!  

Friday, July 6, 2012

Want to see some of the tools used for Sandblasting?  
Then check out the Gallery there you will find a slideshow on some of the Tools Of The Trade

Check out the Tutorial on Applying a Design to a Wine Bottle